Newsletter – July 2022

For our mid-winter concert it’s always difficult to fill the auditorium, people seem to hibernate at home because of the cold, and this year was no exception. We had a fairly full hall, but also some empty seats, which was a great shame – for us, but especially for those people who stayed at home, because we had a truly magnificent concert.

The choir really excelled itself, perfection was the word of the day. It was wonderful to be

able to sing without masks – it really makes a big difference . The audience was full of praise for the performance. The two works – Rossini’s Stabat Mater and Vaughan Williams’ 5 Mystical Songs – are not often performed and so not very well known but everyone agreed that it was wonderful to hear something ‘new and different’. If you didn’t manage to get to the concert, or if you want to listen to part of it again here is the link for the 5 Mystical Songs – really glorious music.

Our next concert is very different – the choir has been going for 42 years and we’re celebrating with a wonderful

42nd Birthday Concert
Sunday 16
th October @ 3 pm
Linder Auditorium, Parktown, Johannesburg
Soloists: Tim Moloi, Gloria Bosman, and Monde Msutwana.
The Phoenix Orchestra
Conducted by Richard Cock

We originally wanted to have a big birthday celebration for our 40th birthday, but due to Covid regulations that fell by the wayside – BUT – we’re not that easy to stop! So here we go! The main theme of this concert will be AfroPops – Bawo, Jikela Emaweni, Osiyeza and the like – plus a dribble of well-known Western tunes like Mamma Mia, O Fortuna, Thank You for the Music.

We’re looking forward to a hall full to capacity with happy, joyful people,
so book now to avoid disappointment.

Booking is through Computicket – just use this link

Yours sincerely, on behalf of the Symphony Choir of Johannesburg

Kate Pape

Missed our previous newsletters? Click here to read 26 June 2022 and  4 February 2022